воскресенье, 17 февраля 2013 г.

Let's talk about critics.

This is the reason why I honestly don't like RA or IMDb or any other source which aim is to criticize or review the art: critics are unhappy people. They feel comfort in things which share unhappniess with them. Thats why you can find, for example, "Philadelphia" blasting through highest ratings on IMDb, and "Joe vs Volcano" keeping somewhere at the lows.
I was rather surprised when I saw a review of Joris Voorn's "From a deep place" @ RA: 2,5 of 5 --- that is insane. Surprised, but not shocked. Looking through other reviews, I found they really like to review the kick drums or cowbells instead of musical message! And that's the thing - most of critics can review things technically, but they can't understand the big picture or message which is hidden in the work of art, especially if the message is positive. And most of things they put higher ratings on - is something I will never listen to even once more. And I find that depressive things are becoming more trendy in the circles of thinking people. In the circles of people which we trust our future in some way. That's the paradox of humanity if you want.

Just love everything which makes you happy and don't focus on those works of art which make you depressed.
Create more, love more, live more!

Good night.